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ADPTR Audio & Plugin Alliance Metric AB 1.4.0 VST, VST3, AAX (x64) [08.2023] (TCD)

  • Год | Дата релиза: 08.2023
  • Версия: 1.4.0
  • Разработчик: Plugin Alliance & ADPTR AUDIO
  • Формат | Тип: VST, VST3, AAX
  • Язык интерфейса: Английский
  • Таблетка: вылечено (TCD)
  • Системные требования:
    • Windows 7+
  • Размер: 66.4 MB


Metric AB, плагин, позволяющий сравнить ваш микс с любым референсным треком, простым нажатие кнопки A/B.
Он предназначен для обеспечения четкого, интуитивно понятного рабочего процесса и уникальных инструментов анализа.
Просто поместите его на свой основной канал в DAW программе и переключайтесь между вашим сведенным треком и миксами CD или iTunes от любимых инженеров или музыкантов.
Предлагается до 16 слотов с такими функциями, как мгновенное согласование громкости, панорамы, функцией заметок, зацикливания и выравнивания динамики.
Все необходимые параметры можно отстроить в одном месте, что весьма удобно при мастеринге. Metric AB работает с различными форматами, такими как: WAV, MP3, AIFF и FLAC!
Что нового:
Version 1.4.0 (Aug 4, 2023)

• Full native compatibility for Apple Silicon and MacOS 13 Ventura
• Resizable UI (S,M,L,XL)
• Make Current UI size default option (via UI menu)
Analysis Graphs
• Re-Optimised graphics drawing system - faster and smoother than ever.
Sync Mode
• Sync mode now allows you to place a Cue marker to set the start point for playback - this allows you to select anywhere in the track to start the sync from.
Sync mode now detects invalid song position info and prompts you to start transport to set sync start position. i.e. works in Wavelab etc.
New : PDC Mode - for Hosts which do not report the correct plugin delay compensation to plugins - e.g. Logic PRO when bus tracks are enabled
Method - Click PDC button to open window, you will hear both A+B streams merged - edit the PDC time until you hear the tracks flanging in perfect sync, close PDC window and restart the transport
Loudness Meter and Matching
• Loudness Match buttons now on Compact view (next to Mono button under output meter)
• 4 Loudness Match modes -
A to B,
B to A
Match to target Loudness (you can set the default in the preferences page) - default is -14 LUFS
Match to track with the Lowest volume
Keep meters running when switching between analysis pages (dynamics / loudness)
• (previously Meters restarted when switching between pages)
click transport icon ’latch to DAW transport to active this
Dynamics Meter
• Dynamics metering option to keep meters running when switching between analysis pages
Analysis Modes (Spectrum / Correlation / Stereo Image). - P29 - Video
• You can now select graph types independently for each analysis page - e.g. Plot for Spectrum / Octaves for Correlation / Multi-Band for Stereo-Image
File Compatibility
• M4a audio file compatibility for Windows (Mac has had it since v1)
Filter Bank
• Filters have been re-designed to be more accurate and powerful
• Drag the filter range area with the mouse (left-right motion) to re-position/sweep frequencies
• Use the scroll wheel to edit the size of the filter range (minimum 1 octave - max full range)
• Use the drag ball to move the range (useful for when the range is very small, and you can use the scroll wheel to resize)
• Filter presets now remember last used settings (no need to save as default when switching between presets e.g. bass / mid / high)
• Fixed - high filter band was not correctly calibrated
• Fixed - filters were reducing the volume of the audible range
Organisation -
• Folders for Preset organisation
• Create and save to presets from the preset menu.
• Create and browse presets in user folders.
• Remove Missing Files command on Missing Files menu
Settings and Behaviour
• Revert to A stream when closing plugin (Settings / Default)
MIDI parameters
• All automation parameters are now available to MIDI controllers (previously some parameters were not available in some DAWs)
Loop Markers
• Added - Reset marker to max - right click inside loop region and select
• Added - Delete loop marker - right click on loop marker and select
Text Support for Audio files
• All text now rendered for better clarity / resizing
• Global Languages Character support for audio file names
• Hover over track slot to scroll full name on display (great for long track names which are truncated)
• Fixed - Correlation Window gets stuck on Windows
• Fixed - Filter bank Filter slope does not update user preference / load user default
• Fixed - Youtube Loudness preset now -14 LUFS
• Fixed - Tidal Loudness preset now -14 LUFS
• Fixed - Incorrect Latency reporting of 1 sample (found on v1.3)
• Fixed - Spectrum dB/Hz popup on graph was not always visible (Mac only)
• Fixed - dB range on spectrum analyser can now be set to +36dB (was locked at 0dB on v1.4)
the default should be +36dB - Test - Drag edit Zoom dB between 0 and +36 dB -
• Fixed - Loudness Meters did not update when switching to Hi-Resolution mode (0-18 LUFS)
• Fixed - Cue Select buttons now transmit Automation data and Smart Controls
• Fixed - FFT Weighting now only changes Spectrum Plot mode (previously applied to all bar graphs)
• Fixed - Spectrum Bar Graphs callibrated flat to Pink Noise
• Fixed - FFT Weighting - now only applies to PLOT mode (previously applied to all bar graphs incorrectly)
• Fixed - Crashes due to ‘can’t locate missing file’

TCD Note:

x64: VST3, VST2, AAX | x86: JBridge files

Just install!


Plugins will show up under "Plugin Alliance" in
your DAW. Enjoy!

A) If you want the "out-of-box-experience" OOBE,
then delete or otherwise edit this file already on your
machine from previous usage:


B) If you have poor OpenGL support, there is a setting
to disable it. Add to .settings file and save:

C) If you just don't care about any old settings
and want it done, copy/paste this line to command
prompt and press Enter:

del %appdata%\ADPTR\Sculpt\Sculpt.settings




  • Раздача проверена на наличие вирусов антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE.
  • ПО из раздачи проверено на работоспособность.


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