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Stigmatized Productions Fotis Benardo Drums 1.2.0 (Kontakt)

  • Издатель: Stigmatized Productions
  • Формат: Kontakt (6.7.1+)
  • Качество: Стерео 48 кГц 24 бита
  • Размер: 17.73 GB


Вдохните жизнь в свои метал-композиции с помощью библиотеки ударных, которая превосходит всё, что вы когда-либо испытывали до этого момента. Fotis Benardo Drums, ориентированная на высочайшее качество звука, реалистичность и максимально глубокое сэмплирование, — это профессионально записанный, многофункциональный и не имеющий себе равных инструмент Kontakt. Благодаря уникальным функциям, добавлять профессиональные и ультрареалистичные барабанные партии в любые метал-композиции в любой DAW стало проще, чем когда-либо.

• Expertly produced by Stigmatized Productions and Fotis Benardo at Devasoundz Studios
• Sampled/Performed by Fotis Benardo
• Advanced algorithms for adding Ultra realism to programmed drums
• Built-in studio effects for complete tonal control
• Advanced Routing options. Route anything-everywhere... inside the Instrument or out to DAW
• Includes the most extensive library of professional midi grooves ever created
Total access to any drum map
Want to work with midi performances that use a drum map from a different drum library?
No problem. Fotis Benardo Drums supports almost any different major drumming instrument format including over 30+ factory drum maps.
Create and save your own custom drum maps with just a few mouse clicks. In fact up to 100 user drum maps can be created.
Complete tone control
Fotis Benardo Drums Mixer Effects
Right out of the box, Fotis Benardo Drums sounds way beyond competition. The presets from Stigmatized Productions and Devasoundz Studios will definitely give you drums that are “Mix ready” and “Cut in the mix“. Likewise if you want to tweak the sounds further to your unique taste, you can use the studio-quality effects that are built right into Fotis Benardo Drums.
You get all you need — compression, EQ, transient shaping, saturation and limiting from vintage FET circuits and emulations of some of the best analog hardware.
Mic mixer-total control
Fotis Benardo Drums-Mic Mixer
Access any mic that was used to record Fotis Benardo Drums
Control Volume, Pan, Solo-Mute, Routing inside the Instrument (To The Main Mixer) or outside to DAW…Drag ‘n’ Drop your favourite external One Shot sample on Kick and Snare.
Have fotis play your song
How would it be to have one of the world’s top drummers play on your track?
Fotis Benardo Drums includes the most complete and realistic Midi groove Library ever created…Over 3700 professionaly performed MIDI grooves, fills, flamms, finales and cymbal swells that you can drop into your own songs just as they are. Or use them as a starting point to create your own drum arrangements in no time.
Ultimate sample control and e-kit support
Fotis Benardo Drums-Drum library E-Kit control
In this drum library there is a full control on any different drum piece independently. You can load-unload, tune, change velocity, compress-expand dynamics and edit the sample behaviour (attack, hold, decay) on any drum element.
Besides the E-Kit users can have access and edit independently pad sensitivity, “ghost notes control” and precisely adjust Hihat pedal behaviour according to taste.
Fotis Benardo
Fotis is totaly a beast behind the Drum Kit and definitely one of the greatest today’s metal drummers. He has been member of bands such as Septic Flesh, Necromantia, Nightrage, Chaostar, and is currently a member of one of the pioneers of the Greek metal scene Nightfall.
But the whole story goes way beyond the case of just a “Great Drummer”
Fotis is also the Vocalist/Frontman of the Metal/Rock band SixforNine and at the same time an excelent producer and owner of Devasoundz Studios in Athens having worked with a ton of Metal and Rock bands…Rotting Christ, Septic Flesh, Nightfall, SixforNine, Sakis Tolis, Nightrage just to name a few…As a result he definitely is “The guy” to know better than anyone else how to “perform and capture” the finest Drum sounds possible
Every single drum hit in the instrument was sampled by Fotis during a meticulous recording process that captures every detail of Fotis’s exceptional drum kits.


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