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Image-Line - FL Studio Producer Edition RC4 (x86-x64) (Portable) [10.08.2020, ENG]

  • Год / Дата релиза: 2020.08.10
  • Версия:
  • Разработчик: Image-Line
  • Разрядность: 32bit | 64bit
  • Язык интерфейса: Английский
  • Таблетка: Вылечено
  • Системные требования: Operating System: Windows 7 - Windows 10
    System Memory (RAM): 4GB
    Hard Disk: 4GB free space
  • Размер: 1.07 GB
  • Альтернативный источник: ОБЛАКО


Портативная версия Image-Line FL Studio Producer Edition - это новая версия лучшей в мире программы для создания собственной музыки. С её помощью вы можете создавать собственные треки любого стиля, также записывать вокал, сводить его, редактировать, резать, изменять и ещё множество разных функций для работы со звуком. Является полным музыкальным программным обеспечением, что составляет более 14 лет инновационных разработок. Все, что нужно в одном пакете, чтобы сочинять, аранжировать, записывать, редактировать, микшировать. Теперь интерфейс программы легко масштабировать для любого разрешения экрана вашего монитора. Новая, более удобная сортировка и запуск VST плагинов и инструментов. В браузере появились новые вкладки и категории, а так же возможность удалять контент правой кнопкой мыши.

ЧТО НОВОГО В v20.7.2.1863

FL Studio 20.7.2 Release Candidate (21 July 2020)
FL Studio Controls - Most controls in FL Studio now show their value when the mouse is hovered over them (like in native plugins).
Channel Rack - Option to disable Auto Switch Channel Group behaviour.
MIDI Import - Added modifier keys to force showing (Alt) or not showing (Shift) the Import Options window when a MIDI file is dropped on FL Studio targets.
AU Support - Internal presets of AudioUnit plugins are now supported.
MIDI Scripting - Added new function selectedChannel. Added function getFocusedPluginName to retrieve the original name for the focused plugin. Moved ProcessRECEvent to "general" module. Added ui.HideWindow to hide the Window specified by index. Scripts can indicate that the event is unhandled but requires no further processing.
Playlist - Clip Menu > 'Select source channel' will preserve the clip's start/end position (where it has been set or sliced) for comp editing (hold Shift)
ZGE Visualizer - 'Remove unused' button added to Image tab. Added logo to the plugin editor window
Hide detached windows when the application minimizes.

Automation of the mix level knob of a plugin is out of sync when slots are swapped
"Reset plugins on transport" causes clicks with some plugins
"Zoom out full" in the PL and PR doesn't use the correct time selection if it's past the song length
Automating the mix level knob of a plugin with latency will cut sound for a little bit
Automation delay compensation introduces visual issues with mixer track controls
Can't choose channels used in another arrangement for "Instrument track > Use existing channel"
Changing the wallpaper is not remembered, it reverts to the default when opening the program
Control Surface: can't select knobs after scrolling the view
Control Surface: setting the background color of a label turns it black
Copy/paste of envelope data doesn't work between plugins
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL doesn't work
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL uses the wrong marker
Crash report: Menu index out of range
Crash when renaming plugins.
Crash with Maschine Controller when the recording precount is enabled
Delayed automation goes to the wrong effect slot if two slots are swapped
Deleting all empty channel display filters switches to the "all" filter when it shouldn't
DirectWave: dropping new samples messes up existing zones
Distructor: artefacts with Asymmetry knob when "plugins reset on transport" is enabled
Dragging the PR "Save score as" menu to a PR in another FL Studio instance doesn't work
Dropping a MIDI file on the first channel will show the channel type selector in the import window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack doesn't open the Patcher window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack opens it in an effect instead of a generator Patcher
Dropping a VFX plugin on the mixer opens it in Patcher, but shows error message first
Effect plugin names are lost when opening a mixer track state
File lists in various places are not sorted correctly if there are numbers in the file names (WIP)
FL Studio VSTi: tempo sync option is not remembered
FLEX: lag when changing packs in the browser using arrow keys
Hint for the Time knob in channel settings is broken
Inconsistent behavior when focusing detached mixer, playlist and other windows
Loading some .PNG files results in a black background
Loop markers set to step/beat/bar won't update when adding/removing notes
Problem uploading to SoundCloud
Recorded audio clips are placed one tick early in the PL
Recorded notes are show even when they're deleted when recording stops
Rename dialog for channel groups shows up near the bottom of the channel rack instead of the top
Renaming audio and automation clips in the playlist doesn't immediately update the picker panel
Route level isn't shown correctly if the source track has latency
Scripting: GetCurrentStepParam and SetStepParam don't work properly with groups
Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut in the channel rack overrides global pattern clone shortcut
Shift+up in the sample browser will focus SliceX, which steals the keyboard focus
Trim PDC on export doesn't work unless WAV export is selected
Tweaking mixer track controls causes visual twitching when there is latency
Typing the value for a channel's target mixer track mutes channels
Wave Traveller: freezes when used in Patcher
Wrapper: Opening a shell plugin will show the "Troubleshooting" tab instead of the "Shell" tab
Wrong playback position with playback tool and timestretch mode
XYZ Controller: Absolute Mode is not recalled correctly when loading a preset
ZGE Visualizer: Issue with Drop Shadow effect
ZGE Visualizer: Performance issues when there are many videos in the list of image sources
ZGE Visualizer: Problem with presets that use "to buffer" with a value other than 100%
ZGE Visualizer: several postprocessing effects do not support transparency
ZGE Visualizer: videos exported sometimes do not work when uploaded to IGTV and Facebook
ZGE Visualizer: Youlean Oscilloscope does not enable the Audio Src dropdown
Crash: "SListIndexError" when dropping a MIDI file on the channel rack
Plugin Picker doesn't show up properly on very wide aspect ratio screens
Edison: crash using "Generate Noise" when there is no sample loaded
Scripting: ui.Left and ui.Right will produce strange characters inside the plugin picker search box


FL Studio 20.7.2 Release Candidate 2 [30 July 2020]

Changes since RC 1
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
MIDI Scripting - Added getRecPPQ function, Extra parameter to ui.getVersion to get the version number as numeric values. Function to activate 'edit events in piano roll', Function to retrieve the name of the MIDI device the script is associated with, New script 'Forward all Midi CC'

Can't drop a clip from the picker panel on the last playlist
Channel rack window doesn't snap to steps when resized after the button width is set to a preset value
Child tracks in the playlist are re-colored when grouping a new track
Click on Pattern/Song button doesn't refresh the song position display
Crash processing a MIDI message coming from the Fire device
Error message when loading a DWP file after rendering a channel to DirectWave
Holding shift when replacing source channel in audio clips only works for the first selected clip
Mono/Stereo mode for "Export all playlist tracks" only applies to the first track
No preview for dragged clips on the last playlist track
Recorded clips change position when recording stops or loops
Edison: acquire noise profile doesn't work if the Denoiser option was off during clean-up
FLEX: the selected patch is not immediately visible when opening the FLEX editor window. Missing packs can't be downloaded from the "Problems loading the project" window
FPC: access violation when changing samples after deleting an instance
Scripting: Get/set channel Volume/Pan should respect channel groups. Crash running device functions when the device is not connected. Playlist.isTrackMuted returns the opposite value. getFocusedPluginName doesn't return the correct name for wrapped plugins
Tempo isn't read from MP3 files

FL Studio Controls - Most controls in FL Studio now show their value when the mouse is hovered over them (like in native plugins).
Channel Rack - Option to disable Auto Switch Channel Group behaviour.
MIDI Import - Added modifier keys to force showing (Alt) or not showing (Shift) the Import Options window when a MIDI file is dropped on FL Studio targets.
AU Support - Internal presets of AudioUnit plugins are now supported.
MIDI Scripting - Added new function selectedChannel. Added function getFocusedPluginName to retrieve the original name for the focused plugin. Moved ProcessRECEvent to "general" module. Added ui.HideWindow to hide the Window specified by index. Scripts can indicate that the event is unhandled but requires no further processing.
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
Playlist - Clip Menu > 'Select source channel' will preserve the clip's start/end position (where it has been set or sliced) for comp editing (hold Shift)
ZGE Visualizer - 'Remove unused' button added to Image tab. Added logo to the plugin editor window
Hide detached windows when the application minimizes.

Automation of the mix level knob of a plugin is out of sync when slots are swapped
"Reset plugins on transport" causes clicks with some plugins
"Zoom out full" in the PL and PR doesn't use the correct time selection if it's past the song length
Automating the mix level knob of a plugin with latency will cut sound for a little bit
Automation delay compensation introduces visual issues with mixer track controls
Can't choose channels used in another arrangement for "Instrument track > Use existing channel"
Changing the wallpaper is not remembered, it reverts to the default when opening the program
Control Surface: can't select knobs after scrolling the view
Control Surface: setting the background color of a label turns it black
Copy/paste of envelope data doesn't work between plugins
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL doesn't work
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL uses the wrong marker
Crash report: Menu index out of range
Crash when renaming plugins.
Crash with Maschine Controller when the recording precount is enabled
Delayed automation goes to the wrong effect slot if two slots are swapped
Deleting all empty channel display filters switches to the "all" filter when it shouldn't
DirectWave: dropping new samples messes up existing zones
Distructor: artefacts with Asymmetry knob when "plugins reset on transport" is enabled
Dragging the PR "Save score as" menu to a PR in another FL Studio instance doesn't work
Dropping a MIDI file on the first channel will show the channel type selector in the import window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack doesn't open the Patcher window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack opens it in an effect instead of a generator Patcher
Dropping a VFX plugin on the mixer opens it in Patcher, but shows error message first
Effect plugin names are lost when opening a mixer track state
File lists in various places are not sorted correctly if there are numbers in the file names (WIP)
FL Studio VSTi: tempo sync option is not remembered
FLEX: lag when changing packs in the browser using arrow keys
Hint for the Time knob in channel settings is broken
Inconsistent behavior when focusing detached mixer, playlist and other windows
Loading some .PNG files results in a black background
Loop markers set to step/beat/bar won't update when adding/removing notes
Problem uploading to SoundCloud
Recorded audio clips are placed one tick early in the PL
Recorded notes are show even when they're deleted when recording stops
Rename dialog for channel groups shows up near the bottom of the channel rack instead of the top
Renaming audio and automation clips in the playlist doesn't immediately update the picker panel
Route level isn't shown correctly if the source track has latency
Scripting: GetCurrentStepParam and SetStepParam don't work properly with groups
Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut in the channel rack overrides global pattern clone shortcut
Shift+up in the sample browser will focus SliceX, which steals the keyboard focus
Trim PDC on export doesn't work unless WAV export is selected
Tweaking mixer track controls causes visual twitching when there is latency
Typing the value for a channel's target mixer track mutes channels
Wave Traveller: freezes when used in Patcher
Wrapper: Opening a shell plugin will show the "Troubleshooting" tab instead of the "Shell" tab
Wrong playback position with playback tool and timestretch mode
XYZ Controller: Absolute Mode is not recalled correctly when loading a preset
ZGE Visualizer: Issue with Drop Shadow effect
ZGE Visualizer: Performance issues when there are many videos in the list of image sources
ZGE Visualizer: Problem with presets that use "to buffer" with a value other than 100%
ZGE Visualizer: several postprocessing effects do not support transparency
ZGE Visualizer: videos exported sometimes do not work when uploaded to IGTV and Facebook
ZGE Visualizer: Youlean Oscilloscope does not enable the Audio Src dropdown
Crash: "SListIndexError" when dropping a MIDI file on the channel rack
Plugin Picker doesn't show up properly on very wide aspect ratio screens
Edison: crash using "Generate Noise" when there is no sample loaded
Scripting: ui.Left and ui.Right will produce strange characters inside the plugin picker search box


FL Studio 20.7.2 Release Candidate 3 [3 Aug 2020]
Changes since RC 2

Playlist - Recorded audio clips are placed incorrectly if recording was enabled during playback
MIDI Scripting - MIDI script file error
VST - Output Thermal plugin crashes
Changes since RC 1
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
MIDI Scripting - Added getRecPPQ function, Extra parameter to ui.getVersion to get the version number as numeric values. Function to activate 'edit events in piano roll', Function to retrieve the name of the MIDI device the script is associated with, New script 'Forward all Midi CC'

Can't drop a clip from the picker panel on the last playlist
Channel rack window doesn't snap to steps when resized after the button width is set to a preset value
Child tracks in the playlist are re-colored when grouping a new track
Click on Pattern/Song button doesn't refresh the song position display
Crash processing a MIDI message coming from the Fire device
Error message when loading a DWP file after rendering a channel to DirectWave
Holding shift when replacing source channel in audio clips only works for the first selected clip
Mono/Stereo mode for "Export all playlist tracks" only applies to the first track
No preview for dragged clips on the last playlist track
Recorded clips change position when recording stops or loops
Edison: acquire noise profile doesn't work if the Denoiser option was off during clean-up
FLEX: the selected patch is not immediately visible when opening the FLEX editor window. Missing packs can't be downloaded from the "Problems loading the project" window
FPC: access violation when changing samples after deleting an instance
Scripting: Get/set channel Volume/Pan should respect channel groups. Crash running device functions when the device is not connected. Playlist.isTrackMuted returns the opposite value. getFocusedPluginName doesn't return the correct name for wrapped plugins
Tempo isn't read from MP3 files

FL Studio Controls - Most controls in FL Studio now show their value when the mouse is hovered over them (like in native plugins).
Channel Rack - Option to disable Auto Switch Channel Group behaviour.
MIDI Import - Added modifier keys to force showing (Alt) or not showing (Shift) the Import Options window when a MIDI file is dropped on FL Studio targets.
AU Support - Internal presets of AudioUnit plugins are now supported.
MIDI Scripting - Added new function selectedChannel. Added function getFocusedPluginName to retrieve the original name for the focused plugin. Moved ProcessRECEvent to "general" module. Added ui.HideWindow to hide the Window specified by index. Scripts can indicate that the event is unhandled but requires no further processing.
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
Playlist - Clip Menu > 'Select source channel' will preserve the clip's start/end position (where it has been set or sliced) for comp editing (hold Shift)
ZGE Visualizer - 'Remove unused' button added to Image tab. Added logo to the plugin editor window
Hide detached windows when the application minimizes.

Automation of the mix level knob of a plugin is out of sync when slots are swapped
"Reset plugins on transport" causes clicks with some plugins
"Zoom out full" in the PL and PR doesn't use the correct time selection if it's past the song length
Automating the mix level knob of a plugin with latency will cut sound for a little bit
Automation delay compensation introduces visual issues with mixer track controls
Can't choose channels used in another arrangement for "Instrument track > Use existing channel"
Changing the wallpaper is not remembered, it reverts to the default when opening the program
Control Surface: can't select knobs after scrolling the view
Control Surface: setting the background color of a label turns it black
Copy/paste of envelope data doesn't work between plugins
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL doesn't work
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL uses the wrong marker
Crash report: Menu index out of range
Crash when renaming plugins.
Crash with Maschine Controller when the recording precount is enabled
Delayed automation goes to the wrong effect slot if two slots are swapped
Deleting all empty channel display filters switches to the "all" filter when it shouldn't
DirectWave: dropping new samples messes up existing zones
Distructor: artefacts with Asymmetry knob when "plugins reset on transport" is enabled
Dragging the PR "Save score as" menu to a PR in another FL Studio instance doesn't work
Dropping a MIDI file on the first channel will show the channel type selector in the import window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack doesn't open the Patcher window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack opens it in an effect instead of a generator Patcher
Dropping a VFX plugin on the mixer opens it in Patcher, but shows error message first
Effect plugin names are lost when opening a mixer track state
File lists in various places are not sorted correctly if there are numbers in the file names (WIP)
FL Studio VSTi: tempo sync option is not remembered
FLEX: lag when changing packs in the browser using arrow keys
Hint for the Time knob in channel settings is broken
Inconsistent behavior when focusing detached mixer, playlist and other windows
Loading some .PNG files results in a black background
Loop markers set to step/beat/bar won't update when adding/removing notes
Problem uploading to SoundCloud
Recorded audio clips are placed one tick early in the PL
Recorded notes are show even when they're deleted when recording stops
Rename dialog for channel groups shows up near the bottom of the channel rack instead of the top
Renaming audio and automation clips in the playlist doesn't immediately update the picker panel
Route level isn't shown correctly if the source track has latency
Scripting: GetCurrentStepParam and SetStepParam don't work properly with groups
Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut in the channel rack overrides global pattern clone shortcut
Shift+up in the sample browser will focus SliceX, which steals the keyboard focus
Trim PDC on export doesn't work unless WAV export is selected
Tweaking mixer track controls causes visual twitching when there is latency
Typing the value for a channel's target mixer track mutes channels
Wave Traveller: freezes when used in Patcher
Wrapper: Opening a shell plugin will show the "Troubleshooting" tab instead of the "Shell" tab
Wrong playback position with playback tool and timestretch mode
XYZ Controller: Absolute Mode is not recalled correctly when loading a preset
ZGE Visualizer: Issue with Drop Shadow effect
ZGE Visualizer: Performance issues when there are many videos in the list of image sources
ZGE Visualizer: Problem with presets that use "to buffer" with a value other than 100%
ZGE Visualizer: several post processing effects do not support transparency
ZGE Visualizer: videos exported sometimes do not work when uploaded to IGTV and Facebook
ZGE Visualizer: Youlean Oscilloscope does not enable the Audio Src dropdown
Crash: "SListIndexError" when dropping a MIDI file on the channel rack
Plugin Picker doesn't show up properly on very wide aspect ratio screens
Edison: crash using "Generate Noise" when there is no sample loaded
Scripting: ui.Left and ui.Right will produce strange characters inside the plugin picker search box


FL Studio 20.7.2 Release Candidate 4 (9 Aug 2020)

FL Studio Controls - Most controls in FL Studio now show their value when the mouse is hovered over them (like in native plugins).
Channel Rack - Option to disable Auto Switch Channel Group behaviour.
MIDI Import - Added modifier keys to force showing (Alt) or not showing (Shift) the Import Options window when a MIDI file is dropped on FL Studio targets.
MIDI Scripting - Added new function selectedChannel. Added function getFocusedPluginName to retrieve the original name for the focused plugin. Moved ProcessRECEvent to "general" module. Added ui.HideWindow to hide the Window specified by index. Scripts can indicate that the event is unhandled but requires no further processing.
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
Playlist - Clip Menu > 'Select source channel' will preserve the clip's start/end position (where it has been set or sliced) for comp editing (hold Shift)
ZGE Visualizer - 'Remove unused' button added to Image tab. Added logo to the plugin editor window
AU Support - Internal presets of AudioUnit plugins are now supported.
Hide detached windows when the application minimizes.
Changes since RC3

Channel Rack - Dropping samples in the channel rack doesn't always add a channel in the correct location
Channel Rack - Crash when changing a channel's group to unsorted
Export - Rendering a channel to a DirectWave instrument causes glitches and data loss
DirectWave - The "Create DirectWave instrument" window has incorrect default values for some options
Burn to MIDI - Freeze when burning a channel to MIDI after creating a DirectWave instrument
Piano roll - Channel loop marker in the piano roll doesn't move correctly when dragged
FL Studio AU - The plugin doesn't accept note input from the host application
Changes since RC 2

Playlist - Recorded audio clips are placed incorrectly if recording was enabled during playback
MIDI Scripting - MIDI script file error
VST - Output Thermal plugin crashes
Changes since RC 1
FLEX - Patch display and selector now available on the Wrapper.
MIDI Scripting - Added getRecPPQ function, Extra parameter to ui.getVersion to get the version number as numeric values. Function to activate 'edit events in piano roll', Function to retrieve the name of the MIDI device the script is associated with, New script 'Forward all Midi CC'

Can't drop a clip from the picker panel on the last playlist
Channel rack window doesn't snap to steps when resized after the button width is set to a preset value
Child tracks in the playlist are re-colored when grouping a new track
Click on Pattern/Song button doesn't refresh the song position display
Crash processing a MIDI message coming from the Fire device
Error message when loading a DWP file after rendering a channel to DirectWave
Holding shift when replacing source channel in audio clips only works for the first selected clip
Mono/Stereo mode for "Export all playlist tracks" only applies to the first track
No preview for dragged clips on the last playlist track
Recorded clips change position when recording stops or loops
Edison: acquire noise profile doesn't work if the Denoiser option was off during clean-up
FLEX: the selected patch is not immediately visible when opening the FLEX editor window. Missing packs can't be downloaded from the "Problems loading the project" window
FPC: access violation when changing samples after deleting an instance
Scripting: Get/set channel Volume/Pan should respect channel groups. Crash running device functions when the device is not connected. Playlist.isTrackMuted returns the opposite value. getFocusedPluginName doesn't return the correct name for wrapped plugins
Tempo isn't read from MP3 files

Automation of the mix level knob of a plugin is out of sync when slots are swapped
"Reset plugins on transport" causes clicks with some plugins
"Zoom out full" in the PL and PR doesn't use the correct time selection if it's past the song length
Automating the mix level knob of a plugin with latency will cut sound for a little bit
Automation delay compensation introduces visual issues with mixer track controls
Can't choose channels used in another arrangement for "Instrument track > Use existing channel"
Changing the wallpaper is not remembered, it reverts to the default when opening the program
Control Surface: can't select knobs after scrolling the view
Control Surface: setting the background color of a label turns it black
Copy/paste of envelope data doesn't work between plugins
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL doesn't work
Copying a pattern time signature to the PL uses the wrong marker
Crash report: Menu index out of range
Crash when renaming plugins.
Crash with Maschine Controller when the recording precount is enabled
Delayed automation goes to the wrong effect slot if two slots are swapped
Deleting all empty channel display filters switches to the "all" filter when it shouldn't
DirectWave: dropping new samples messes up existing zones
Distructor: artefacts with Asymmetry knob when "plugins reset on transport" is enabled
Dragging the PR "Save score as" menu to a PR in another FL Studio instance doesn't work
Dropping a MIDI file on the first channel will show the channel type selector in the import window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack doesn't open the Patcher window
Dropping a VFX plugin on the channel rack opens it in an effect instead of a generator Patcher
Dropping a VFX plugin on the mixer opens it in Patcher, but shows error message first
Effect plugin names are lost when opening a mixer track state
File lists in various places are not sorted correctly if there are numbers in the file names (WIP)
FL Studio VSTi: tempo sync option is not remembered
FLEX: lag when changing packs in the browser using arrow keys
Hint for the Time knob in channel settings is broken
Inconsistent behavior when focusing detached mixer, playlist and other windows
Loading some .PNG files results in a black background
Loop markers set to step/beat/bar won't update when adding/removing notes
Problem uploading to SoundCloud
Recorded audio clips are placed one tick early in the PL
Recorded notes are show even when they're deleted when recording stops
Rename dialog for channel groups shows up near the bottom of the channel rack instead of the top
Renaming audio and automation clips in the playlist doesn't immediately update the picker panel
Route level isn't shown correctly if the source track has latency
Scripting: GetCurrentStepParam and SetStepParam don't work properly with groups
Shift+Ctrl+C shortcut in the channel rack overrides global pattern clone shortcut
Shift+up in the sample browser will focus SliceX, which steals the keyboard focus
Trim PDC on export doesn't work unless WAV export is selected
Tweaking mixer track controls causes visual twitching when there is latency
Typing the value for a channel's target mixer track mutes channels
Wave Traveller: freezes when used in Patcher
Wrapper: Opening a shell plugin will show the "Troubleshooting" tab instead of the "Shell" tab
Wrong playback position with playback tool and timestretch mode
XYZ Controller: Absolute Mode is not recalled correctly when loading a preset
ZGE Visualizer: Issue with Drop Shadow effect
ZGE Visualizer: Performance issues when there are many videos in the list of image sources
ZGE Visualizer: Problem with presets that use "to buffer" with a value other than 100%
ZGE Visualizer: several post processing effects do not support transparency
ZGE Visualizer: videos exported sometimes do not work when uploaded to IGTV and Facebook
ZGE Visualizer: Youlean Oscilloscope does not enable the Audio Src dropdown

Crash: "SListIndexError" when dropping a MIDI file on the channel rack
Plugin Picker doesn't show up properly on very wide aspect ratio screens
Edison: crash using "Generate Noise" when there is no sample loaded
Scripting: ui.Left and ui.Right will produce strange characters inside the plugin picker search box



  • Раздача проверена на наличие вредоносных программ антивирусом DR.WEB SECURITY SPACE. Вирусов не обнаружено.
  • ПО из раздачи прошло проверку на работоспособность.



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